December 14, 2008

Wait... It's Decemeber?

Like many of you out there I'm feeling the crunch of last minute Christmas gifts. Well, I'll be honest, I haven't really started on them. That new position at work that I wrote about a few months ago, it came with a lot more, shall I say, unwanted 'extras'. A few of the little extras include being told that when I write time I must leave the colons out so time reads as 1200 or 145. Because it takes way too much time to write them in. Another one is that I have to wear lipstick to work, isn't there a law against that or something?

Anyways... sewing!

Projects include-

Three pillow covers

Two other pillow covers

Three coloring book covers with crayon pockets

One hat

Two quick quilts

Five tapestry projects

One sweatshirt

One vest

Two passport holders

And other gifts that I'm sure I'm forgetting.

We got 5 inches of snow today! That might not be a lot for some parts of the country but we are at about 50 feet above sea level so it's kinda big right now. The temps are in the teens and all the roads have iced over so i'll be stuck inside for a few days and will be able to knock out some of these projects. (fingers crossed)

Thanks ODOT workers!!

So what am I doing sitting here? I've got work to do.


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