October 1, 2008

One more accomplishment

It's been a while since my last post. I was able to get my camera to work and now I am able to post some pictures of my projects and items that are for sale in my etsy store. I currently have two scarves in my store with plans for more things on the way.

I am training for a new position at work so I have been very busy and a little stressed. Sewing has been my sanity lately and lucky for me, I've had plenty to work on. I have a birthday gift that I'm working on but wont post a picture of it until the birthday has passed. No spoiler's here.
The picture to the right is of one of my scarves that I have in my etsy store. I'm just starting out with my store and hope to be able to add to it soon.
Head on over and check out my items at my etsy store. http://Embrynn21.etsy.com

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